Student Arrival & Dismissal
Student Arrival
Student arrival begins at 8:45 a.m. Students will have bagged breakfast in their classrooms. Students are marked late after 8:55 a.m. Any students who arrive after 8:55 will need to enter through the main office and get a late pass.
Walkers should not arrive at school earlier than 8:45 a.m. It is the responsibility of each parent or guardian to make the proper arrangements for their child to get to school at the designated times. We do NOT have before school supervision for your children prior to the arrival times.
- Walkers/Drop-Offs: During arrival, we will block off 110th Street directly in front of the school to maintain safety. A crossing guard will be present to help students cross the street. Please drop students off at the stop sign or in the loop on 8th Ave. You will not be able to park directly in front of the school during arrival.
- Grade 3: All 3rd-grade students (walkers and drop-offs) should arrive at school at the 3rd-grade entrance located on 8th Ave.
- Grades 4 & 5: All 4th and 5th-grade students (walkers and drop-offs) will go to the loop on 8th Ave.
- Bus Students: Children who ride a bus will be monitored by staff as they enter through the back of the school.
Student dismissal begins at 3:00 p.m.
- Walkers/Pick-Ups: During dismissal, we will block off 110th Street directly in front of the school to maintain safety. A crossing guard will be present to help students cross the street. Please park your car either on 8th Ave or a side street and walk to the 3rd-grade entrance on 8th Ave to pick up a 3rd grader or to the loop to pick up a 4th or 5th grader. You may not park in the loop.
- Grade 3: All 3rd-grade students will be escorted to the 8th Avenue entrance by their teachers at 3:00 p.m. Please meet your child at 3:00 p.m. with his/her teacher at this location.
- Grades 4 & 5: All 4th and 5th-grade students will be escorted to the loop on 8th Ave by their teachers at 3:00 p.m. Please meet your child at 3:00 p.m. with his/her teacher at this location.
Bus Students
All students will report to the bus departure area. Staff members will supervise and dismiss all bus students to their buses at 3:00 p.m.
Early Dismissal of Students
If for some reason, your child needs to go home early, you must come to the main office and proceed as follows:
- Parents/guardians must sign out their child on the appropriate form. If the secretaries or principals don’t recognize you, you will be asked to provide picture identification. If a person other than the parent/ guardian is sent to pick up a student, they must be listed on the student’s emergency card, or we will need written parental consent. A note for the student’s early release must also be provided. The person must present photo identification. Students will only be called down to be dismissed once someone has arrived to pick them up.
Late Student Pick Up
Please be aware that students are dismissed at 3:00 p.m. When students are picked up late, they must be signed out in the office. As with the early dismissal of students, if a parent or guardian cannot pick up their child, we will need written consent for a designee if the designee is not listed on the student's emergency card. A picture I.D. will also be required. Children WILL NOT be released to individuals who are not listed on the student's emergency card or specified in a written note from the parent.