Family & Student Services
What We Offer: RPES Counseling Staff
Ms. Cohen - School Counselor
Roles and Responsibilities
- Large group Character Education and SEL (Social Emotional Learning) Lessons
- Push-in 1x a month into all grades 3-5
- Small groups that focus on SEL (Social Emotional Learning)
- Based on teacher recommendation
- Runs for 6-8 weeks in the fall/spring
- Limited space
- New student
- Tour of building
- 1:1 meet during lunch
- Meet with parent/guardian
- Peer Mediation *For students ONLY
- Teacher should be made aware of issues between students first
- Student check-ins
- Informal counseling as needed
- Associated Committees
- TSS (Trauma Sensitive School)
- Character Education
- Clothe-A-Student
- Knapsack
- BST (Behavior Support Team)
- IST (Instructional Support Team)
Mrs. Foster - School Psychologist
Roles and Responsibilities
- Student check-ins
- Informal counseling as needed
- Behavior Support Team
- Assist teachers in creating individualized behavior intervention plans for students with challenging behavior
- Conduct Functional Behavior Assessments
- Instructional Support Team
- Meet with teachers to discuss students who are struggling academically and determine services that would be appropriate to meet academic needs.
- Academic screenings
- Conduct Psychoeducational evaluations to determine if a student qualifies for special education services.
- Attend Committee on Special Education meetings for all 3-5 students with Individualized Education Plans
- Work with teachers to develop 504 plans for students
Mrs. Watts - School Social Worker
Roles and Responsibilities
- Small group and individual counseling for student with an Individual Education Plan
- Classroom lessons for self-contained classroom
- McKinney Vento Liaison: help families who are in temporary housing (transportation, food. clothes)
- Help with basic needs (housing, transportation, clothes, food)
- Make referrals for counseling outside of school
- Behavior Support Team : help teachers create behavior plans for students with challenging behavior
- Knapsack Program Coordinator: referrals from staff
- Clothe A Student: referrals from staff